Here’s Why Maintenance Is So Important

April 4th, 2022

You want your air conditioner to run effectively for as many years as possible. This isn’t a hard fact to guess at–we all want that! But the reality is that no air conditioner, even the most modern one, is going to last for as long as it can without a little backup.

This is what air conditioning maintenance in Arlington, VA is for! Maintenance is a service that helps your AC operate the way it is supposed to for as long as can be expected. This is why we believe this service is one of the most important things you can schedule for your cooling system.

Let us explain how maintenance helps your AC and why it is so important to your system, your comfort, and your budget.

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Having Leak Problems? We Can Help

March 21st, 2022

Having a leak is a problem. Having a leak that is allowed to go unchecked for an extended period of time and do damage to your home is a bigger problem. When it comes to leaks in the house, getting them repaired sooner is always better.

It can be hard to tell when you have a leak in your plumbing in Alexandria, VA though. Thankfully, the team at McDaniel Service, Inc is happy to help you out. To start, we want to teach you about the warning signs that you can check for that may indicate a leak. If you notice any signs that apply to your home, you can then reach out to our team for leak detection and exert repairs.

Ready to get started? Read on and then call us for professional plumbing repairs.

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The Difference a Filter Change Can Make

March 7th, 2022

We still have a little while yet until the warm weather reaches us for good. Until that happens, you need to make sure that your heater is going to run well. At the same time, however, you want to think ahead and do what you can to prepare for the warmer temperatures to come.

Did you know there is one easy task that can make a difference for both your heater and your air conditioner? The answer is a filter change! Checking and changing your filter for your HVAC system is helpful to both systems and, in the long run, to you too.

Let’s look at the difference that a simple filter change can make for your home comfort now and later.

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What Does a Booming Furnace Indicate?

February 21st, 2022

You go turn on your furnace and hear the system respond, but you aren’t getting any heat. Then, after a few minutes, you hear what sounds like a small explosion in your furnace. It’s disconcerting to hear, but it may help to know that we are familiar with this issue. Your furnace won’t explode. However, if you hear a boom coming from your furnace when you try to get it running, it does mean that you have a problem in the system that requires professional furnace service in Springfield, VA.

Booming is just one of the noises you really don’t want to hear from your furnace heater. Let’s look at why booming is bad news for your furnace and explore some other noises that mean trouble your system.

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Tips To Keep Warm While Waiting for Service

February 7th, 2022

Uh-oh, is your heater running into trouble? It might be time to get a repair heating service in Alexandria, VA. The only problem is that now you need to figure out how to keep yourself warm until the repairs are done!

We know that staying warm during our winter season can be a challenge, especially if your heater is on the fritz. Not to worry though! When you reach out to us for help, our technicians will arrive ASAP to get that repair taken care of. What’s more, we are locals too so we have some tips to help you stay warm while you wait for your heater to get back to normal.

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Why a Cracked Heat Exchanger Is a Big Problem

January 24th, 2022

Let’s be clear, there isn’t a heating system repair that you should ever ignore. However, a loose bolt isn’t usually going to carry the same level of severity as a cracked heat exchanger. No heating system repair should be ignored but some are worth a faster response.

Your heat exchanger plays a vital role in your gas furnace. This is the part of the system that makes heat creation both possible and safe. So it isn’t hard to see why a problem with your heat exchanger is a pretty big deal. If this is your first time hearing about this issue though, you may not know just how big a deal it is.

Let’s discuss why a cracked heat exchanger is a problem for your comfort and your safety and what you can do to address it.

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Should You Repair Or Replace Your Heater

January 10th, 2022
rustic old furnace

Your heater has been having trouble lately and it has left you cold and, well, annoyed. You have every right to be annoyed too. You expect your system to keep up with your home comfort needs so when it fails at that job it is frustrating, to say the least.

This is especially true if it feels like you just got it repaired recently. If you did get your system fixed recently though it may be time to stop and reassess. Do you need another repair or is it time to replace an aging heater on its way out? Let’s look at some of the signs that it is time to let go of your old heater rather than trying to repair it again.

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Your Reminder to Avoid Frozen Pipes!

January 8th, 2022

It has gotten chilly around here. As you do everything possible to keep yourself warm during the next several months, don’t forget to take the needed precautions to avoid frozen pipes.

Make sure your lawn equipment such as sprinklers is properly shut off. If you have removable sprinklers, make sure they are drained and stored.

You should also make sure that hoses are drained fully and put away. This prevents the pipes that are connected to the hose bib from freezing too.

If you need help handling frozen pipes this season though, reach out to our team for help.

Contact McDaniel Service, Inc for any plumbing or HVAC needs. Service is our middle name!

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How To Tell Your Radiant Heater Needs Repairs

December 27th, 2021

Those of us with radiant heaters in our homes can attest to how effective they are. By radiating heat rather than blowing hot air through the home, these systems keep everyone in the home warm very well. Many people compare the heat from these systems to the warmth from the sun!

Radiant heaters are great investments but even these systems can run into trouble at some point or another. Getting a professional out to your home to assess and repair your heater in short order is always the best course of action. But how can you tell you need to call in the pros? We have the warning signs of radiant heater repairs in Springfield that you should know below!

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Give Yourself the Gift of Clean Drains

December 13th, 2021

If you could do something that ensured your peace of mind this holiday season, would you do it? The answer is probably yes. You may be surprised to discover that cleaning out your home’s drains is one of the ways that you can help yourself relax this season and beyond.

Your drains go through a lot and eventually all the things they deal with can build up. This can wear down on your drains and increase the chance of leaks but it can also create a more immediate problem: clogs! Clogs are everyone’s worst fear when they have guests. You don’t want to have to stop the festivities to get rid of backed-up wastewater and take a plunger to your drain.

Avoid the problem of clogs and slow drainage with a drain cleaning service provided by our team.

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