Does Your Water Heater Need Some Help?

November 15th, 2021

You should be able to rely on your water heater for a good long while before it needs assistance. Proper installation gives your water heater a great start to its service life while professional maintenance helps keep it as like-new as possible. However, even with all this to help, your water heater will eventually need repairs provided by a trained plumber in Lorton, VA.

So, let’s say you’ve done everything possible to keep your water heater in prime condition. How can you figure out if and when it needs repairs? Watch out for these warning signs.

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Supply Delays and Price Hikes: What You Should Know

November 11th, 2021

Thanks to the complications caused by COVID and other recent issues over the past several months, there is a continued delay in the ability to get supplies for HVAC services. This includes delayed delivery of systems and required system parts as well.

These delays and price increases make it more important than ever to think ahead for your comfort. Make sure to schedule maintenance or repairs to keep your HVAC systems running properly. Aside from this, plan ahead for system replacements so you aren’t facing months with a heater.

Whatever the service is that you need, we are here to help.

Contact McDaniel Service, Inc today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

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5 Indicators Your Heater Is Hurting

November 1st, 2021

You’re starting to use your heating system more and more. This should be increasing your comfort but what if all you are noticing is how little comfort you’re getting? You are running your heater a reasonable amount but it doesn’t seem to be making a dent in your home temperature. Something is definitely off.

If this sounds familiar, you have every right to be concerned. Chances are high that something is amiss within your heating system. When issues like this pop up, it means it is time to call in the professionals. A trained technician can identify the source of the problem and address it in a timely manner.

Here are some other indicators that you should be on the lookout for too

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6 Problems To Call Our Plumbers For

October 18th, 2021

You don’t need to call in a plumber for every issue in your home. For example, unclogging the toilet or even the kitchen sink can often be managed with a plunger and some elbow grease. We’ve all encounter plumbing troubles that we found a way to handle ourselves. However, don’t mistake this for a replacement for professional service.

Just because you or a friend have handled a plumbing issue before doesn’t mean you can tackle every one that pops up. There will come a day when you do need assistance from a plumber in Bedford, VA.

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The Scary Leak You May Not Know About

October 4th, 2021

It creeps out in places you can’t see. It sits in wait, getting stronger. It pops up at the worst time taking you by surprise and throwing everything into upheaval. IT’S…a slab leak.

We know a slab leak isn’t as scary as the Boogeyman but it should still be something that catches your attention. Leaks aren’t good to begin with, but a slab leak can be especially harmful to your home. This is because it won’t just impact a wall or two, it can comprise the very foundation of your home.

Let’s discuss why slab leaks are worth your worry and how to catch them early so you know when to call us to address them.

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Is It Time To Upgrade Your Bathroom Plumbing?

September 20th, 2021

Everyone in the house uses the bathrooms. This means that having better plumbing systems and appliances in this room of the home is a good idea. After all, any upgrades you make will get plenty of use. But how can you be sure that an upgrade is worth your time and money? Can you get by with the bathroom plumbing you already have for a few more years? The truth is that it depends.

Let’s get into the details on if and when it is a good idea to upgrade your bathroom plumbing. When you do decide to upgrade any of your home plumbing in Reston, VA, you can always come to us for guidance and quality service.

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Prepare Your Heat Pump For the Seasonal Switch

September 6th, 2021

You have a home with a heat pump in Springfield. This means that you have one system that provides you with both cool air and warm air. It is a wonderful piece of technology that you are quite thankful for as summer is starting to wrap up. That said, even a system as impressive as a heat pump needs a little extra help to get from cooling season to heating season.

Yes, having a heat pump makes switching gears easy but that doesn’t mean it is 100% effortless–at least not if you want your system to last a long time. It pays off to make a little extra effort to help ease your heat pump over from cooling mode to heating mode. How can you prepare your system for the seasonal switch? We have some tips to help.

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4 Reasons to Schedule a Video Inspection

August 23rd, 2021

Have you ever wondered what it looks like inside of your pipes? Probably not–at least not until there is a problem within your plumbing that makes you wonder what the cause is. Being unable to see a problem makes it much harder to deal with. That’s one of the many reasons that we provide video pipe inspections in Springfield, VA.

Scheduling a video pipe inspection provided by a trained plumber is going to make dealing with plumbing problems in your home much easier. Here are some great reasons to schedule this service the next time you notice something is off with your home plumbing.

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Should You Install a Heat Pump?

August 9th, 2021

The prospect of facing summer without a reliable air conditioner is not a fun one period we don’t want you to have to go through that. That is why we want you to know that you have options when it comes to adding an air conditioner to your home. Air conditioning systems have come a long way and have started to become more adaptable to homes with different requirements. One such system is the heat pump.

Heat pumps use the standard split system setup but with a few major differences. Where a central air conditioner has a large outdoor unit Anna large indoor unit a heat pump helps to save space by replacing an indoor unit with an air handler. This is just one of the many reasons that heat pumps are rapidly becoming popular throughout the country. Discover more about the perks of installing a heat pump here to see if this system is the right fit for you this summer.

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Is It Time For a Thermostat Upgrade?

July 26th, 2021

You need a good thermostat to ensure that your air conditioner is performing at its best. If the thermostat that acts as your HVAC system’s command center isn’t working right, how can you expect your other systems to be able to do their job correctly?

There are plenty of instances when comfort trouble turns out to actually be a problem with the thermostat rather than the air conditioner itself. If this is the case, a professional technician can help you either repair or upgrade your Springfield thermostat. Not sure whether you need an upgrade or not? We’ll give you some key indicators that the time has come.

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